
Friday, 13 December 2013

Lapland tour!

In the early hours of the morning of the 30th of November I jumped on a bus at one of Oulainen's local petrol stations to a bunch of exchange students, a few Rotex' and a Rotarian. We headed even further north, to Lapland and well up into the Arctic Circle! My final Rotary trip was upon me- Lapland tour!

Four busses and a total of around 140 exchange students arrived in Harriniva, Muonio at around 10:30am and we all quickly made friends with all of the new exchange students we didnt know and greeted all the ones we did like old friends.

Day one involved lunch, and then we took the busses up to Olos to go downhill skiing/snowboarding, or crosscountry skiing. I went downhill skiing and am proud to say that I have managed to learn how to fall without bruising or concussing myself! ;D

The first night also graced us with a welcome party of Northern Lights! (Sixth time for me now! SO lucky to live in the north! :D )

Day two I stayed at Harriniva with a small group and we made snow sculptures and grilled makkara in a small hut by the river that seperates Finland and Sweden.

We went to sauna in the afternoon, which of course involved running outside from the  90-100+ degree sauna into the -20 to -30 odd degree weather and rolling in the snow! It's a thrill!
That night we made a little trip to the local primary school in Muonio where we had an evening of performances, dances by some students from the school, traditional Sami songs by a Sami man (indigenous Finnish person) and he also explained his traditional clothes that he wore, then we all had the chance to perform something from our own countries. It was good fun!

Day three was our last full day at Harriniva. We were split into four groups and all had the chance to visit Pallas Nature Centre, get to know about reindeer life and feed reindeer in Torassieppi, visit an arctic dogsled centre and go on husky rides, try snowshoes, go on a reindeer sled ride and stand on/cross the border of Finland and Sweden!

 At the border of Finland and Sweden with my Colombian Newbie!

Day three also marked our last night. We had a beautiful evening all together dancing and hanging out.
Us oldies had the opportunity to share some words of encouragement and to say our last things to our group of amazing newbies; it was a very sad and emotional night for everyone. It really hit home that I only have a month left here. It is unbelieveable to think that I have been away from Australia, my family and everything that I have ever known for 11 full months. It's incredible to reflet on the year I have had. I have made so many life long friends this year and the thought of it soon coming to an end truly does break my heart. This year has been an absolute adventure full of many highs and of course some lows but when it all comes down to it I wouldn't trade any of it for anything! As well as discovering the world, and exposing myself to some of it's many different cultures and languages, this year has been one of self discovery. From all of the challenges I have faced I have learnt valuabe lessons. I have always liked to think of myself as a rather independant person and even back home I liked to make decisions all by myself, but this year I have been forced to face each day as a complete adult, independant from my parents. I have had to make choices and draw my own boundaries and I have learnt what I myself value and what my morals are. It has really been a year of learning.
All of my beloved friends from all over the world will forever be a part of me and I will cherish the memories of our times together forever.
Whilst I never want this year to end, I also am excited for the next chapter. I believe it's impossible to say that I haven't changed, after all that this year has brought me, however I don't know how much or really in what ways. I guess in coming home to Australia next month and back to the same life that I had last year I will really see what I learnt and how I changed and grew over my exhcnage year. It will be interesting to see how my life, that will basically be the same as before, will be different now that I am different.
This year has really opened my eyes to the world and now my plans and dreams for my future are so much bigger and brighter and seem so much more within reach than I had ever thought possible! I love Australia but she can't keep me forever, I am now a citizen of the world and I plan on leaving my mark on many more places around the globe! Life is an exciting adventure and I am so happy to have realised that more so this year and am so happy to have already started mine so young!

The 18 of us that started this adventure together in January,
all together for the last time
On the morning of Tuesday the 3rd of December we started our journey back south but this time via Rovaniemi. In Rovaniemi we visited the real Santa Claus at Santa's Village!
We chatted and took a photo with Santa and then wandered around, saw some more reindeer and a lot of christmas trees, snowmen and a slide for tobogganing.

We had one last meal together at a restaurant in Rovaniemi and then the four busses parted and went their seperate ways. It was another sad time because for us oldies it was the last time we were going to see a lot of people before we set of back home in a months time :(

This year has gone incredibly fast, I can't believe it and still now it doesnt feel real that in a month I will be on my way back to Australia. Not that I dont love all you guys back home but I'm sure you understand why I dont want to leave! This is another home to me now, a whole other world, with family, friends, school and a life. It's going to be hard to leave it all behind and wonder when I will get the opportunity to return, but I will come back- that I know for sure!

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