
Friday 10 January 2014

Last Days

I've drafted two completely different posts already and I just can't seem to get anything coherent out!
I am at a complete loss for words. I don't know what to say! This is so surreal! I still remember the drive to the airport in Adelaide a year ago! I remember the flights and how incredibly glad I was to finally land in Finland after those 2 straight days of travel, thanking the Lord that I didn't have to do it again for a whole year... and here I am! 1 year later with my suitcase packed again and ready to make my way to the airport tomorrow. What happened?! I know time flies but this is just downright ridiculous!

This year has been an absolute roller coaster. I can't even begin to explain all of the things I have learnt this year, about the world, about myself and about life in general. It would take forever, and I don't even know if I would really be able to put it into words if I tried!

This year has been a journey, and I have made so many wonderful memories and now, between my exchange student friends and my Finnish friends and families, I have some truly amazing loved ones all over the world! 
These goodbyes are so horribly sad because my return to Finland is a day I don't know yet. Whilst I know that it is 'see you later' rather than 'goodbye' because I WILL be back! That 'later' is not something I can define yet. It's a mystery to me when I will see these people that have become such a huge part of my life and this life changing year of mine again. It's a sickening and scary feeling.

Even when I am back, things will be different. My life in Finland will have changed, so whilst my friends will always be my friends, this is really the end of a chapter here too. My Lukio (Finnish highschool) days are over. On that note though, they did end in a really unexpected and special way!

It was my last day of school today and I was aware that they were going to say something at lunch time about me leaving. However, I was so shocked and overwhelmed by what they did for me. Everyone was called to the cafeteria and I was called to the front. One of my best friends spoke on behalf of the students and two of my teachers also said a few things on behalf of the teachers. Needless to say I was in tears from the first word out of their mouths! Crying in front of the whole school.. good one Emmy! Oh well! :'D 
They gave me a gift of two Iittala (Finnish design home wares which are really typical in Finland and which I love!) and a book that the student council had made for me with class pictures where people had written their names for me. They also then sang a Finnish goodbye song for me. The tears had no chance to cease!

Last of all I wanted to say something. I addressed the school, said a few things about my year with them and thanked everyone. Although I did have a little brain fart on one word and completely blanked like a dummy in front of everyone, I did quite well. I'm surprised I got it all out in Finnish considering the emotional state I was in!

I was so overwhelmed, people were hugging me and saying their goodbyes and it was really hitting me that this year is coming to an end. I'm still in shock. I don't know when it'll set in that I'm going home, maybe when I get there!

This year has ended so bitter sweet. I couldn't have asked for a better send off, it's all been so lovely and thoughtful. I couldn't have asked for better friends, they are truly the best! And whilst I know my family and friends back home are waiting for me to come home, and of course I want to see them too, I know that the minute I leave Finland I wont be back for some time. That hurts. It's all a bit conflicting to say the least!

To be honest, I don't know if this post makes any sense to anyone but me. I hope you can get something out of this! My brain is just fried from everything going on at the moment, I don't think I can do any better than this at this point!

Tuesday 7 January 2014

Home Stretch

Hyvää Uutta Vuotta kaikille! 
Happy New Year everyone!

With this new year comes the ending of my exchange year which is a time of many mixed emotions. I am excited to return to Australia and see all of my loved ones there again, and I am excited to see what the new year and my next chapter holds for me. However, 2013 was an incredible year and in a lot of ways I don't want it and my exchange to be over just yet. 
The new relationships I have formed this year with both my Finnish families and friends, and other exchange students from all around the world are ones that I will treasure forever. It will be really hard to leave Finland not knowing when we will see each other again. However, whether I want to go or not, there's no putting off the fact that I will be leaving very soon. So, this week has held the beginning of my farewells. 

This past weekend was my last full weekend in my town. Saturday night I spent with many of my good friends at one of my best friend's home for the first of my farewells.

Sunday I spent with two friends watching Futsal (a sport like indoor soccer).

Then on Monday I had friends over to my home for a small farewell party in the evening. We just hung out, chatted and ate together. 

One of my first and really good Finnish friends, Eppu, made me a cute little book with photos of us and wrote some beautiful things in it for me about our friendship. Such a thoughtful and much treasured gift from one of my best friends!

Today was the first day back at school after the Christmas break. As it's the beginning of a 
new term and I am only here for 4 days of it (sniff sniff! How sad! Still can't believe how close I am to the end!) I spent the day just going to different lessons along with my friends and after school we went together to the local Chinese restaurant. It was so lovely!

Only a few days left! To everyone back home in Australia- See you soon!