
Wednesday 2 October 2013


Once again a fair chunk of time has passed without a post... oops! Well here we go then! 

The week after the arts night I spent at Oulaisten Alakoulu (Oulainen Primary school) instead of my usual schedule at Lukio (highschool). Each day I visited in different classes from the 1st to the 6th grade. I gave presentations on Australia, showing lots of photos, teaching Australian songs such as the classic 'Waltzing Matilda', and showed a few short videos- a huge hit was the youtube clip that showed a kookaburra laughing! The days also involved answering the endless questions the kids had about Australia and about me.. some that surprised me and gave me a bit of a giggle such as the question from a year 3 student asking if we ride dolphins in Australia... I was also asked on a few different occassions if I have kids of my own! Uh no... definitely not!
As well as talking about Australia, I joined in on handicraft and other classes and watched how the different school works and how the kids are taught.
It was good fun to visit the little ones. It was a bit of a blast from the past, like revisiting my childhood as I spent the breaks running around with my new little friends! We played chasey and other games I didn't quite understand the rules of but it was good fun! And I now have a few pictures and little notes from my little friends there :D

Primary school

One afternoon I was also invited out with some of the primary school teachers. We went out to the forest and went picking berries and forraging for mushrooms. We also stopped and grilled makkara (sausages) and had juice and coffee. I really got into the berry picking, and I'd picked about half a bucket full when all of a sudden I slipped on the damp wooden path and tipped every last one of them onto the forest floor! It was a sad moment but I couldn't help but laugh at myself! I'd done so well to keep them the couple hours we'd been out there and it was on the last 20 or so metres that I lost them all! I left there with the handful I could save and a rather unfortunate but funny story! Oh well! It was a nice afternoon overall and the weather held out pretty well, only a light sprinkle of rain at one point!

Once we got deeper into the forest we came to the lake 'Isojärvi' meaning exactly 'big lake'.. original! haha

Saturday I went up to Oulu for the day. Rotex had organised a day with the exchange students and it was the first time I was to meet the new exchange students in my district! We went bowling and then to a restarurant for dinner together. Even though our district (D1400) is the biggest in Finland, I think it has the least amount of exchange students most years. Now there are just 7 of us altogether here in the north!
Saturday evening I was back in Oulainen and just had a nice night hanging with some friends.

We were outnumbered by Rotex!

Walking back to the train station I went through a lovely little park

On Sunday one friend and I headed to one of the local supermarkets to attempt to round up the ingredients for the Aussie classic, Anzac biscuits. It proved a challenge and in the end we still ended up with huge chunks of coconut which we had to cut ourselves and the wrong syrup!
Once the biscuits were baked a few more friends arrived for the tasting...
It was all a bit of a flop attempt and we made a decent mess in the process! But the good part about it being an Australian thing is that no one knew the difference! They weren't the best ones but everyone enjoyed them (or at least were polite enough to pretend...)
Now, I've never been a tea or coffee drinker and, despite multiple people's attempts here, I still can't drink the stuff! Because of this I didn't know my way around making the coffee but luckily the girls managed to make it themselves (I'm a great host, I know! haha). All was well, the coffee was made and the slightly odd Finnish ingredient version of Anzac biscuits were on the table and ready! All was running smoothly until one friend took a sip of her coffee, leant over and whispered.. 'that wasn't sugar..'. Howling with laughter, the coffee was whisked away and the sugar was found and replaced the salt that had sneekily made its way to the table in its place!
An eventful afternoon tea it was!

Then it was back to Lukio. Just another normal week at school and with friends.

On the next weekend though I ventured to Kokkola, a town a bit over 100kms south of Oulainen. I spent Friday evening through til Sunday with another Australian exchange student who is living there.

On Friday night Kokkola had a special evening with entertainment in the streets around the malls and shops were open until 11pm. We even saw Antti Railio (the winner of The Voice of Finland 2013) performing.

Saturday we spent in Seinäjoki, another 140kms from Kokkola. There we looked around the city in the morning and then, at midday, headed out to a Rotex event to meet the new exchange students of that district (not my district but I tagged along).
It was a good day. I got to catch up with two other exchange students I knew and then meet the new ones. It was a chilly day but there was a beautiful lake with a raised wooden platform about 2 metres or so in the air right where we were.. Of course we weren't going to pass that up! The four of us Aussies, a Mexican newbie and a Thai newbie headed out to the water.. we got down to our undies and climbed to the top of the platform and took the leap! It was cold but so much fun! We got a couple jumps in before we were rounded up and taken back inside by the Rotex... Totally worth it though!

Alison and I spent Sunday biking around Kokkola. The city is quite beautiful! And the river and beach were really nice! Although, we refrained from swimming that day..

We found a pirate ship! Arrr!

Monday brought with it what I assumed was the average cold/flu but after a few trips to the doctor we found out it was a virus... and that was the start of now my more than 2 week stint of sickness! :( Safe to say these past two weeks have been pretty quiet.
I spent some time back with my first family while my current parents were away for a weekend. It was funny being back there, with my sisters and brother. It was a really nice weekend with them though, nothing too special, on thursday night I went out with Juulia (my 14 year old sister) and helped her class bundle some wheat type crop so they could sell them for fundraising for a trip to Lapland next year. On friday night I was at the services hall with Juulia for one of their family nights where they had some games and raffles and food. On Saturday Juulia and I made Anzac biscuits (third time IS a charm!); the ingredients still weren't quite the same but they were the best ones yet this year! YAY! By request of Juulia, we added a little twist to some of the biscuits; we added a bit of melted chocky and made them into Kingstons! Yum yum! Success!

My first family's driveway.. Love all of the pretty Autumn colours!

Other than that I have not been up to too much. I had to have a couple of sick days at home but I have gone to school as much as I could so I wouldn't die of boredom being home, and away from my friends all the time!
I only have 3 and a half months left here so I'm hoping it clears up soon so I can make the most of the rest of the time I have!

Watching the local soccer game... GO Oulainen!

It was a sunny afternoon watching the soccer, but it was freezing cold!

My brother Hassan and I before the Rotary meeting where he gave his presentation on his exchange year in Australia!

The Autumn has now set in although the rain hasn't been very bad so far but the temperatures have seriously dropped! We're already having lows below zero and the days are getting just over 5 degrees or so. Sooo cold already! And in parts of Finland they already had their first bit of snow more than a week ago! It's madness!
I've been hanging out for winter to come for ages. I've been just waiting for the snow to come so I can go skiing and skating again before I leave.. But it is seriously cold! I need to get used to it again...

The view from the lounge room window. Right by the river!

My third family's home

Down the street

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