
Tuesday 23 April 2013


This past weekend I travelled with my younger sister, Juulia, to Jyväskylä. Jyväskylä is Finland's seventh largest city (around 133,000 inhabitants) and is home to many university  students. Our trip was to spend time with our eldest sister, Reeta, and her husband, Antti who live and study there. 
We went by train on Friday morning and spent through to Sunday afternoon with them. It was about a 5 and a half hour trip by train as it meanders a little out of the way. The way back we took the bus which took only 4 hours or so.
We walked in the evenings around the river and the city, we made Anzac biscuits (a traditional Aussie biscuit that we sent overseas to serving ANZACs due to how well they kept) and we spent a day taking advantage of the city's numerous shops. Basically it was just a relaxing weekend of hanging out with family. Oulainen is quite a small town and not so close to big cities so it was
a lovely little holiday and a great chance to spend a little time in a city and for me to see a new place!

Enjoy some photos from my weekend!

Taking photos in front of a random sign by the river... stick it into the translator and find out it's the sewer! Lovely!

Left: Princess Emmy! Can't do up my shoes with my cast on so the lovely Reeta helped me out! Made the sales assistant laugh!
Right: So many bikes! Very normal to ride everywhere

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